Posted by Helen on Sep 22, 2019 in Older Articles

What if there was an artistry to what you say; that language is a tool for Creating? What if how we talk, and communicate with our body, actually impacts our very biology (that translates to Health and Satisfaction)? NeuroLinguistic Progamming (NLP) is based on both of these premises.
In Keys to Productive Conversation participants will learn how language (what you say), body language, and why you say what you do – are keys to a healthy body as well as to productivity in your work and relationships.
Relax, this is not a science course – but it is based on sound science. Just as computers have software programs and cell phones have ‘apps’, we each have our own programs that run not only our actions, but the chemistry in our bodies. As you recognize your own programs in this course, you can use them in your best interest. We will also play with them and alter them to create something even better.
As you recognize the programs of others, you have tools to form better relationships (business and personal). Ones that offer more cooperation and appreciation of how another’s programs can benefit (or not) your own. Come willing to be curious and active. These are hands-on courses where the tools are demonstrated and the participants then practice the tools with each other. In addition to the tools above, you will learn a practice that creates more competence and satisfaction for you in a specific area of interest.
Diane Short balances her experience in molecular genetic research and environmental chemistry with over 20 years as a trainer and consultant in NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) and non-denominational consulting. The next session of Keys to Productive Conversation is September 28, 2019.