A Message from Helen Hand, CFU President

In March of 2004 my brother and founder of Colorado Free University, John Hand, was killed and the school was left without its guiding light. At that point I had worked as a psychologist for almost 25 years and had no background in business. Perhaps my naiveté was a good thing, for not knowing better, I agreed to step in as president of Denver’s oldest, and one of the country’s largest, lifelong learning centers.
Keeping his legacy alive helped me manage my grief. Now, CFU is a part of me. With each passing year I’ve become more personally attached and my own passion for this mission has deepened.
I’ll be honest, keeping the school afloat through recessions and a pandemic has not been easy. I am humbled by the loyalty of my small staff and appreciate more than I can ever say the sacrifices they have made to support the school. And I am awed by all of our instructors who provide outstanding learning opportunities for little or no remuneration.
I believe that the spirit of community is what keeps us all onboard. CFU is about people lifting one another up. Instructors with knowledge and expertise generously give their time and talent to empower and enlighten others. Students choose to come together and learn with others, sharing ideas and encouragement.
Back in the 70’s when “free universities” began, there was the saying “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” At this time of division and tension in our public life, I believe that CFU is a beautiful part of the solution. Please join our community.
Helen H. Hand, Ph.D.
See you in class!
Helen H. Hand, Ph.D.