Dear Instructor,
Thanks for making a CFU connection! We know you’ll give your classes lots of great personal energy. Remember, you are the face of CFU. The experiences that students have at CFU are all about you and the experiences you create. As you teach you are presenting your professional and personal skills and representing CFU at the same time. You have attended an orientation and have the manual to refer to. Read through this guide for reminders, updated information, and to get forms that you may need for your classes. Contact our Program Manager, Maryjean, maryjean@freeuregistration.com or CFU President, Helen, Helen@compuskills.com with questions.
Check your classes online
Once we go to print with our catalog, we upload all of the new classes and future dates for ongoing classes to our website. Please check your classes to make sure there are no errors and that you have the dates in your calendar. Many classes can fit into more than one subject categories, so check to see if your class is in the categories you want. Let us know of any changes or issues.
Deadline for new class ideas and dates for existing classes is 8/30/23. Get your date sheets in!
Helpful Links
See Class Enrollment Status Remember, this is not updated continuously. We update the enrollment count report daily, so what you see here is a snapshot, but not the final count. Use it to get a general idea of how your class is enrolling. Do not use this to determine whether or not your class is running. We will email and phone you the day before your class to let you know the official status.
Learning Exchange One of the best parts about teaching is the opportunity to take many of our classes at no charge if you participate in our learning exchange. If you see a class that interests you, use this link to check to see if the teacher participates. You must call the day before the class runs (or on Friday for a Sunday or Monday class) and as long as there are enough students enrolled, we can get you signed up. You will pay only whatever materials fees are associated with the class. For classes that are not on the exchange, you can still get a 50% discount. For computer and Spanish classes, you get a 30% discount. For those, you can register anytime. (303) 399-0093 x0.
Teacher Forms
For in-person classes at CFU:
When you arrive at the school to teach, you will see a posting of where classes are being held in the building that day. In your classroom you will find a packet for your class that includes: the student roster, blank class tickets (i.e., liability waiver), instructor invoice, and class feedback forms. Return this packet with the forms filled out to the CFU office after your final class.
For in-person classes not at CFU:
You will receive a roster of students by email prior to class. You can print out CFU class tickets, evaluation forms, and more online.
Collect a signed email confirmation or liability waiver for each student. Ask students to fill out class feedback forms and gather them at the end of class. Fill out the teacher invoice. Mail all of this to us: CFU teacher payments, 7653 E. 1st Pl, Denver CO 80230, or drop it by the office.
- This liability waiver doubles as the in-class ticket that you collect from anyone who does not bring their confirmation email. You’ll need to have a signed ticket or a confirmation from each student to send into CFU with your invoice after class. 2023 Class Ticket.
- Print copies of the Class Evaluation Form for students to complete at the end of class.
- Print out this invoice and fill it in with the number of tickets you’ll be including. Class Invoice
For online classes:
You’ll need Adobe® Acrobat Reader®, an easy-to-use, free utility, to view, fill out, and print the documents. If you don’t already have it, click here to download Adobe® Acrobat Reader®. Adobe Reader works best with Chrome.
- When you teach online, send this link to your students after class and ask them to fill it out, save it as a document, and email it to feedback@compuskills.com.
- Fill out this invoice for your online classes. You will not have to send us tickets for online students, but you must list the names of all attendees. If CFU collected materials fees from students at the time of registration, please put the amount in materials fees that are owed to you at the time of teacher payment.
General Reminders
Classes Presented Online
You will receive a roster of students who have registered for your class the day before class. Please email the link for your online class along with materials and any other instructions you need to give them. Remember to blind copy students for the sake of privacy. Put “CFU class—[class title] in the subject line. Copy maryjean@freeuregistration.com and helen@compuskills.com on the email so that we can help anyone who doesn’t receive your email and take care of last minute registrations.
Students begin to get nervous if they don’t receive that link the day before their class.
CFU Campus Classrooms
Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your class begins. Respect your students by being in the classroom, organized and ready to go before your students arrive. Write your name, class title, session number, and any materials & optional materials fees on the board so that information is easily visible for everyone. This helps streamline the process of collecting signed tickets & materials fees. Collect class tickets as students arrive in the classroom. Begin class on time and collect latecomers’ tickets during a class break.
CFU posts a listing of the days’ classes and their assigned classrooms at the entryway of the building. Rooms are set-up simply and you are welcome to rearrange the room as best fits your needs. We do ask, however, classrooms are returned to the way they were at the end of class. Often there are multiple classes scheduled in the same room during the same day so please be respectful and clean-up after yourself, turn off all lights, close the windows and leave your classroom as soon as possible after your class is over.
Procedures for Canceling or Rescheduling Classes
Only in the case of a personal or family emergency or medical situation is it acceptable to cancel or reschedule your class. If you do have an emergency, phone CFU immediately at (303) 399-0093 ext 0. Back this up with an email to maryjean@freeuregistration.com and helen@compuksills.com. If your class is imminent and the CFU office is closed, use your roster to call AND email all of your students to let them know that class will not take place. We can sort out rescheduling later.
As specified in your contact, CFU charges fees to cover the administrative costs of rescheduling or canceling a class, unless an exception is specifically granted. If you do have to make changes to a class for any reason, contact maryjean@freeuregistration.com, our Course Manager, to discuss so that we can ensure that the solution works for you, the students and CFU.
Class Minimums and Teacher Payment
You are expected to hold class for the minimum number of students established in your contract. If fewer students arrive on the day of class, do go ahead and teach (please note this on your invoice and you will be paid for your contracted minimum). CFU determines when refunds or credits will be issued to students if they are unable to attend class at the last minute, so please refer all such issues to us.
Be Prepared to Be a Problem Solver
It is your responsibility to ensure that your classes go smoothly. CFU staff will support you in all the ways we can, but you are the face of CFU with our students. We do our best to make things run seamlessly, however sometimes issues arise. So, please be prepared to solve problems. (i.e.: room setup, temperature, lost students) and keep your sense of humor! During business hours you can call the registration office at (303) 399-0093 x0 for assistance and at other times you will find a phone number posted on the outside door to call in an emergency.
Don’t Let the Weather Scare You!
This is Colorado, and it takes more than a little snow or rain for us to postpone classes! If classes are postponed due to weather, you will be notified, otherwise, it’s business as usual.
Teacher Payments
As contracted, instructors who receive compensation for teaching have four weeks from the date class ends to submit all the paperwork for payment. Your pay is based on the number of satisfied students that attend your class. If a student drops your course, we cannot pay you for their ticket. We can only pay for satisfied students who take the whole course and do not ask for a refund or transfer. You will not be paid without the following: an invoice to meet federal independent contractor regulations, any money collected for in-class registration, and all signed student tickets.
CFU has a six-week window from the time we receive your payment paperwork within which we will issue your payment.
Keeping Your Contract Current
Labor laws require that CFU renew your teaching agreement annually. Please be responsive to our requests to update your paperwork. Teachers lacking current contracts cannot continue to teach.