Laura Pence Atencio marketing planLaura Pence Atencio, the Social Savvy Geek, is presenting at the June 16 CFU Marketing Boot Camp. In her break-out session “Planning Your Marketing Campaign” she will share why it’s better to create a simple system that is complete and functional than to start with a complicated marketing tactic that doesn’t quite work. People get hung up on trying new things when they should be perfecting ONE thing first. You can always “fancy it up” later!
We are our own harshest critics. Other people don’t expect perfection from you; they expect you to show up and serve them. Don’t overthink everything! Done is better than “perfect.”.
The Marketing Boot Camp will help you focus on what will be the best tools to use for your business.  See the full line-up of presentations and break-out sessions here.  This is your chance to set a marketing strategy that is right for your business!