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Regarding the Retirement Cliff:
Perhaps the most surprising thing about the entire notion of retirement in America today is how little anybody seems to know about financial well-being in retirement.
Didn’t they teach this stuff in school? Apparently not.
Plain and simple, for many Americans today, financial planning for retirement requires improvement.
Many Americans today attribute their inaction directly to a lack of time, believing that the pace of society makes it harder for them to think about retirement and stick to long-term goals. And, believing they are too busy to think about long-term goals, may be one reason why half of all Americans have no financial plan in place for retirement.
The retirement cliff is an unsettling reality facing millions and it demands that people prepare for retirement in a complete different way.
This is especially true for those in the retirement “Red Zone,” which is a 10-year period beginning five years before you retire and ending five years into retirement. This 10-year red zone is so important because the decisions you make during this period regarding your retirement might be the most critical decisions you’ll ever make.
To learn more about the Retirement Cliff, I am attaching an excerpt from my book.  Click on this link: Wrong Mindset about Retirement
The Retirement Puzzle – Fitting the pieces together for financial well-being
I have condensed my 20+ years of retirement planning expertise into this book. It is loaded with useful and realistic information on how to achieve financial peace-of-mind during a long retirement. I think you will find it a valuable reference guide.  The book has already received several 5-star reviews and is available on in paperback or in digital format (Kindle).
To preview and purchase my book, click on this link: The Retirement Puzzle    
Upcoming Class: Solve the Retirement Puzzle
After reading about the “wrong mindset in retirement” (see above), you may see the need to seek help with planning and making improvements to your own personal retirement plan. And so, perhaps you will consider attending my next class on how to solve the retirement puzzle.
It will take place on Thursday, September 21st from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM at Colorado Free University. I guarantee you will not be disappointed by what you learn about proper planning for retirement.
To enroll in this very informative class, just click this link: Solve the Retirement Puzzle or call 303-399-0093 ext 0.