Barbara Snow

Barbara Snow teaches her Shamanism Weekend Workshop on March 23-25, 2012.
Modern minds are astounded at how shamans of the Andes work with energy and consciousness to create better lives for their people.  Striking and powerful commonalities live within the spiritual traditions of indigenous cultures and major religions, including Buddhism and Hinduism.
Experience the power of these transformational techniques yourself. Work with a Mesa as a focal point for channeling, healing, and restructuring consciousness and reality. Connect with all aspects of nature to create beneficial alliance. Relate to multi-dimensional beings to access support from other dimensions and facilitate healing for humans and the Mamapacha.
Barbara Snow is an initiated Kamasqa Curandera, having studied since 1999 with Oscar Miro-Quesada, Pamela Miliken, Nina Murphy, and Mag dala Ramirez. Since 2003 she has taught classes in the SF Bay Area and around Denver.
Don’t miss this special class–click here to sign up today!