Digital Marketing classes in DenverCFU’s Focus on Social Media and Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing Classes in Denver
By Jules Marie
Every business needs a social media presence to compete in the world of online marketing. Colorado Free University offers a wide range of digital marketing classes in Denver.
Savvy companies manage YouTube videos, Pinterest and Instagram photos, Facebook business pages and Ads, Google ads and analytics, Twitter for its fast-breaking news and LinkedIn for its enhanced networking power. Managing a website is a snap with user-friendly WordPress platforms that encourage adding fresh, compelling, memorable, persuasive content to sites. Information-packed blogs or vlogs add life and character to a site, along with original, real-life photographs and creative designs.
There is no magic bullet to make a post, blog, vlog or photo go viral. Utilizing several social media platforms consistently helps dial-in a successful online strategy. You’ll discover what works for you, your brand and your particular product or service. You might even realize that sharing a video of elk bugling in Estes Park on your yoga page increases your fans by 10%; or promoting a cause, offering a giveaway or a contest increase s your fans 20-fold.
What is Engagement?
Every social media platform wants to see ‘engagement’. Engagement refers to how much activity there is on a post/tweet/pin/snap in the form of reactions, likes, hearts, re-pins, re-grams, re-tweets, comments and in particular—shares. Activity on a post causes it to remain at the top of a newsfeed exposing it to more potential viewers and fans.
Social analytics are available on all major platforms. Look at the stats to assist you in creating a demographic profile that your product appeals to. Stay tuned to the analytics available on all platforms to tweak, enhance and pivot your marketing strategy when necessary.
CFU offers dozens of digital marketing classes in Denver, day-long workshops and events designed to show you how to boost your marketing skills and garner the attention you deserve. Passionate, enthusiastic instructors working daily in the world of digital marketing and social media daily are eager to demonstrate easily-doable and actionable tips, tools and strategies to help your business succeed. Check out all the digital marketing classes in Denver here.
Jules Marie teaches Create a Successful Social Media Manager Business, Make Your Posts Pop: Canva, an Easy Way to Create Eye-Catching Images of Social Media, and Moer Marketing with Facebook:  Ads, Boost, Events & Groups.  She also teaches How to Write and Successfully Sell Magazine Articles.  She offers classes in Boulder as well, but here you can see all of her digital marketing classes in Denver.