Consider Teaching Classes at Colorado Free University

I encourage Denver-area professionals to consider teaching in Denver at Colorado Free University (CFU). This adult education center has been offering quality, affordable, skill-based and enrichment classes for adults since 1987.

Teaching in Denver

My first experience was taking a class at CFU in 1999 when I needed to brush up on computer skills. Since then I’ve taken a wide range of classes and had excellent experiences each time. In December 2012, I earned an online marketing and social media certificate from CFU. Nine months later I started to teach some of the classes in the certificate program.

Just recently, I had a conversation with a new friend whom I met through a business networking group. She was looking into the possibility of teaching a class at CFU. But she was hesitating about embarking on this new venture, so she called and asked for my advice.

During our call, I reflected on my five-and-a-half-years of teaching social media classes at CFU. Currently, I teach two Facebook classes – one for beginners and one for business folks. In addition, I teach a class on how to use LinkedIn to grow your business. Based on the experiences I shared, with her, my friend decided to go ahead and apply to be instructor at CFU.

Value of Teaching in Denver at Colorado Free University

  • I find so much joy in being able to nurture a community of learners. In each of the classes I teach (typically about three-hours in length), I get to create a group learning experience. Adults learn best in these interactive formats.
  • The opportunity to foster the personal and professional development of others, which is part of my personal mission.
  • Teaching these classes regularly helps me to stay up to date on both Facebook and LinkedIn. Before I teach each class, I review my handouts and make sure all the info is current.
  • Being associated with such a well-respected adult learning center enhances my professional credibility.
  • Some students in my classes engage my services for private tutoring. Or they recommend me to others who need group training or individual tutoring.
  • Just a month or so into teaching classes at CFU, I met Lisa Dicksteen. She took two of my classes, and we really hit it off. Shortly thereafter, I engaged her services as an editor for my weekly blog posts. She’s been doing that since the fall of 2013. You might meet a potential business associator or collaborator in a class you teach.

Learn more about teaching in Denver at Colorado Free University at its website

Prospective teachers will benefit from reviewing the information on its website in the Teach with Us tab.

Also, consider liking the CFU Facebook business page at This will insure that sure you get notified about posts to the page to get their latest news.

CFU is located in the Lowry area, a few blocks east of 1st Ave. and Quebec, at 7653 East 1st Place, Denver, 80230.

About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 45 and up, to become more effective and productive using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. She works with business owners, business development professionals, coaches, business consultants, job seekers, and more – ranging from entrepreneurs to people in large corporations. Find her at

Joyce teaches three classes at Colorado Free University. In Facebook for Beginners she helps those new to Facebook get going and navigate the privacy settings. Facebook Business Pages: An Online Marketing Tool, and Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Business.  are for businesses use these social media platforms for marketing purposes.

Learn more about CFU and find out about its registration policies here.