Posted by Helen on Aug 10, 2019 in Creativity, Writing, & the Arts
by Michael Amidei

You have a message. A point of view. You have something to say and that the world needs to hear. You have engaging stories to tell; you are following your own inquisitive nature into a particular topic. You feel a deep passion for something and want to share it with others. You know that once they discover this world, they’ll find as much passion for it as you have.
However, it sometimes feels as if the world is too noisy to hear you. It can feel overwhelming and more than a little defeating. There are so many platforms available it’s easy to be confused. Where should you focus? Where can you find your audience?
Enter Podcasting
Podcasting has grown exponentially over the last decade and a half to now hold a place in our culture as one of the most trusted and audience engaging ways to communicate your message.
A Few Powerful Facts about Podcasting in 2019
- There are an estimated 750,000+ podcasts in the world today
- 51% (144 million) of the US population has listened to a podcast – up from 44% in 2018 (Infinite Dial 19)
- 80% of listeners claim to listen to “most” or “all” of each episode of the podcasts they follow
- Podcast listeners are more likely to be “loyal, affluent, and educated”
- 49% of podcasts are listened to at home, while 22% are listened to while driving
- 50% of all US homes are podcast fans (Nielsen, Aug 2017)
- 32% (90 million) listened to a podcast in the last month
- 22% (62 million) listen to podcasts weekly
- 16 million people in the US are “avid podcast fans”
As you can see, podcasting is more than a fad. It’s a force of its own. Not only that, it’s inexpensive and relatively easy to produce once you know what you are doing.